Zooming with mouse scroll wheel

  1. stxp64 says:

    I've wanted this for soooo long, and I bet tons of other people want it too.
    Similar to how google maps or bing can zoom easily with the scroll wheel.

    I know double clicking is already in use for the point marking with this site, so there should definitely be an easier way of zooming without having to go over to the zoom bar and click

  2. mightymuddy says:

    I second that.

  3. micaparat says:

    I second that second!

  4. lechbuga says:

    yeah this is a big one!

  5. paul says:

    You're right. That is a good feature.

    So I just added it!

    To all others who have suggested cool features, I swear, I'm listening! This one happened to be reeeeeaaaaly easy to do, so I threw it in. Next on the list is saving a default start point with your account!

  6. frantik says:

    awesome :D

  7. stxp64 says:

    this is so great!!!!!!!!!!!!
    what ive been waiting for since i started using gmaps years ago

    thanks so much!!!!!!

  8. lechbuga says:


  9. DudleyT says:

    My problem is that zooming in and out with the mouse wheel is so rapid that it is impossible to do a small zoom. Using the ladder device over to the right has the same problem. How about a second "ladder" next to it so that the whole range of the second ladder is one "rung" on the main one? Apart from that, gmap-pedometer is great.