Basic Usage
Just as you do at Google Maps, drag or double-click to move the map, use the slider to increase or decrease the zoom level, and click the "Map/Satellite/Hybrid" buttons (top right) to switch the type of imagery. You can also use arrow keyes and the + and - keys to move or zoom the map.
If you want to jump to your city or town, choose your country (and state if you live in the U.S. only), enter the name of your town, choose your zoomlevel, and click "go".
When you're ready to start recording the distance you traveled, click the Start recording button.
Thereafter, every double-click will draw a point on the map, and the distance from your last point and your cumulative distance will both appear in the boxes above. Note that only a double-click will create a new point.
The route drawn on the map will be red until you save the route, when it will turn blue. See the Saving Routes section below for more details on saving routes.
If you make a mistake or change your mind, the Undo last point button will remove the last point drawn and revert your distances to what they were before you drew it.
If you want to start over, click the Clear points and start over link.
Additional Features
Saving Routes:
If you want to save your map, click the Save route link and all current route information, including the location, distances, elevatons, and other settings will be saved in the database. When the route has been saved, a URL will appear below the link. This is the URL to use when accessing the route later, and can be placed in a bookmark or email. (In Internet Explorer only, you will also be presented with a link that will allow you to automatically add this URL as a bookmark.)
Routes will be red until they are saved, when they will turn blue. A red route serves as a reminder that some information about a route has not been recorded, and will be lost if you exit the site before saving.
All changes you make to an existing route in the current session will be saved to the route you are currently working on. However, if you return later, you will create a new route number. This is done to prevent other users you share your route with from changing the data in your route.
For example:
  • You begin a new route and save changes. This is route #1.
  • You continue to make changes to the route and save again. This is still route #1. You bookmark the URL containing route #1.
  • The next day, you open route #1 and make further changes. This is now route #2.
Use the english/metric radio button beneath the distance boxes to choose your units.
If you want to view a graph showing the elevation of each poinit plotted against distance, click the small or large link next to the Elevation heading. (Note that this will only work for U.S. maps. Sorry about that!) Update: Actually, some users report that this works in Canada and the UK as well!
Mile Markers:
By default, markers will be placed at the end of each mile or kilometer, and at the beginning or end of your course. Use the Turn off markers and Turn on markers links to toggle whether links are shown.
There and Back Routes:
If your course is a "there-and-back", click the Complete there and back route link once you reach the midpoint.
Calorie Counter:
If you wish to calculate how many calories you've burned in the course of your run, click the Turn on calorie counter link, and enter your weight in the Weight box.
Click the Print map link to temporarily reformat the screen to make it more suitable for printing.